A beginners guide to sushi: Part 2 (Reading the ingredients)
At its most basic, sushi is usually made up of 2 elements: vinegared rice and nori (seaweed). Should be simple enough, right? Sadly, it doesn’t work that way. Because what defines one maki roll from another are the toppings and fillings. Those tiny little bit of fish, vegetables and other knickknacks that are rolled into a maki or layered upon the nigiri to add the special punch of flavour.
And with an increasing number of restaurants digging deep into the Japanese culture to create their menus, getting a simple salmon or cucumber topped sushi can be an exercise in intimidation. And no, knowing Japanese doesn’t help: kappa, sushi-language for cucumber, comes from the name of a monster who loves cucumbers. So, voila! This easy-to-read (and print or download on your phone!) list will help you figure out the akami from the awabi.
Think of me when you take that next bite of wasabi-laden goodness.