Ice breakers: The most jaw-dropping facts about Santa Claus you’ve (n)ever heard

Do you believe in Santa Claus? I do. And I also pity the poor old man for the frantic rush that is Christmas. Because when I am going out of my mind buying gifts for the 38 people on my list, imagine the sheer craziness of delivering pretty packages to 1,817,989,536 kids (yes, that’s a real statistic). That too, around the world. Which means that he needs to travel at twice the speed of light and can only afford to spend 0.0005 seconds in each house.

How do I know all this AND more (like the fact that Santa starts deliveries from New Zealand)? Because the nice people over at iGo put together this superb infographic based on scientific calculations. If you believe in Santa, it will make you appreciate the man even more. If you don’t believe in him (why?) it will still give you some fabulous ice breakers and talking points for the next gathering.


 So, do YOU believe in Santa Claus?

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